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We see these days, and for many long years, very emotive and powerful statements regarding the rulers coming from a people largely poisoned with the Leninist-Marxist poison of Sayyid Qutb. Pointing all their fingers in one direction and attributing every evil and calamity to just one category - which is that of the rulers - yet all but characterized by a collective ignorance of the basic and fundamental laws of Allaah operative in His creation, which is that the rulers are just a reflection of what is in the society itself. This is the end result of being led by pseudo-intellectual self-styled scholars who champion the Marxist-Leninist discourse brought by Sayyid Qutb, covered in an Islamic garb.
It is great news that droves and droves of misguided youth, in the Arab lands and elsewhere, are seeing through the corruption in the contemporary takfiri and jihadi school of thought which is based upon other than the methodologies of Islam, Sunnah and the way of the Salaf. This is being brought about by reformative and educational programs that allow these misguided people to resolve their doubts academically along with the proliferation and wider availability of quotations from notable Islamic scholars of all ages and times in contradiction to these deviant orientations.
In this article we present a number of monumental statements from true Islamic scholars which help to destroy and lay to utter ruins, the false Leninist Qutbist methodology of focusing methodologies of reform around the revolt against sinful, tyrannical rulers. These discourses are central to recruitment of unsuspecting Muslims into takfiri, jihadi and extremist circles and thus it is essential that they are countered with sound principles elucidated by the true orthodox and moderate scholars of Islam.
Ibn al-Qayyim, the great Muslim scholar, said in his book, Miftaah Daar is-Sa'aadah (Daar Ibn 'Affaan, 2/177):
And reflect in His, the Most High's wisdom in making the kings of the servants, their leaders and their rulers to be of the same type as their actions (i.e. the actions of the servant's). Rather, it is as if their actions (those of the servants) became manifest in the appearances of their rulers and kings. If they remain upright, then their kings will remain upright, and if they turn away (from uprightness), then they (the kings) too will turn away from uprightness. And if they (the servants) oppress [themselves and others], then their kings and rulers will oppress [them], and if their appears plotting and deception from them, their rulers will [be made to] behave likewise (towards their subjects), and if they (the servants) prevent the rights of Allaah due amongst themselves, and become stingy with respect to them (i.e. withhold the rights of each other), then their kings and their rulers will withhold the right that they (the servants) have over them, and will become stingy with respect to them. And if they (the servants) take from the one who is considered weak what they do not deserve to take from him in their dealings (i.e. misappropriate from him), then the kings will take from them (the servants) what they do not deserve to take (from them) and will inflict them with taxes and [other forms of] service. And everything that they (the servants) take away from the weak person, the kings will take away from them with power, force.
So their actions (those of the servants) become manifest in their actions (those of the kings and rulers). And it is not from the Divine wisdom that the evil-doers and the sinners are made to be ruled over [by anyone] except by one who is of their like.
And when the very first band (of Islaam) was the best of the generations, and the most pious of them, then their rulers were likewise. And when they became tarnished (i.e. corrupted), the rulers were made corrupted over them.
Thus, the wisdom of Allaah refuses that the likes of Mu'aawiyah, and 'Umar bin 'Abdil-'Azeez are put in authority over us in the likes of these times [the 8th Century Hijrah], let alone the likes of Abu Bakr and 'Umar.
Rather, our rulers are in accordance with our (nature) and the rulers of those before us were in accordance with their (nature). And both of the two matters necessitate wisdom and what it requires.
And the one who has deep rooted intelligence, when he moves his thought around in this subject will see the Divine wisdom that runs through al-Qadaa wal-Qadar (Ordainment and Pre-Decree), externally and internally, just as it runs through al-Khalq wal-Amr (the Creation and the Command). So beware from thinking with your corrupt thought that anything of His ordainments and decrees are devoid of the far-reaching wisdom. Rather, all of His, the Most High's ordainments and decrees take place from the most perfect angles of correctness and wisdom. However, the weak intellects are veiled, by way of their weakness, from perceiving these [aspects of wisdom], just like eyes suffering day-blindness are veiled, by way of their weakness from the light of the sun &"
Stated Ibn Abil-Izz al-Hanafi in his explanation of Aqeedat ut-Tahaawiyyah:
And as for adhereing to obedience to them (the Rulers), even if they commit oppression, then this is because the evils and harms that arise on account of rebelling against them, is numerous times more than that which occurs as a result of the oppression of the rulers themselves. Rather, in having patience over their oppression there is expiation of sins, and a multiplication of the reward. For Allaah did not empower them over us, except due to the corruption in our actions, and the recompense for an action is its like (al-jazaa'u min jins il-'amal).
Hence, it is upon us to strive (ijtihaad) in seeking forgiveness, making repentance and rectification of our actions. Allaah the Most High said, And whatever affliction befalls you, then it is from what your hands have earned, yet He pardons many ![](http://www.islamagainstextremism.com/images/qnend.gif) and He the Most High said, ... And whatever evil befalls you, then it is from your own soul ![](http://www.islamagainstextremism.com/images/qnend.gif) , and He the Most High said, And thus do we turn some of the oppressors against others on account of what they used to earn ![](http://www.islamagainstextremism.com/images/qnend.gif) Hence, if the subjects (of a state) wish to save themselves from the oppression of the tyrannical ruler, then let them abandon oppression themselves.
Ibn Sa'd relates in his Tabaqaat al-Kubraa (7/163-165):
A group of Muslims came to al-Hasan al-Basree seeking a verdict to rebel against al-Hajjaaj [a tyrannical and despotic ruler]. So they said, "O Abu Sa'eed! What do you say about fighting this oppressor who has unlawfully spilt blood and unlawfully taken wealth and did this and that?" So al-Hasan said, "I hold that he should not be fought. If this is a punishment from Allaah, then you will not be able to remove it with your swords. If this is a trial from Allaah, then be patient until Allaah's judgement comes, and He is the best of judges." So they left al-Hasan, disagreed with him and rebelled against al-Hajjaaj - so al-Hajjaaj killed them all. Al-Hasan used to say, "If the people had patience when they are being tested by their unjust ruler, it will not be long before Allaah will give them a way out. However, they always rush for their swords, so they are left with their swords. By Allaah! Not even for a single day did they bring about any good.
Al-Hasan al-Basree (d.110) said as occurs in "Minhaj us-Sunnah" of Shaikh ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah(4/528):
Verily, al-Hajjaaj is the punishment of Allaah. So do not repel the punishment of Allaah with your own hands. But you must submit and show humility, for Allaah the Most High stated, And indeed We seized them with punishment, but they humbled not themselves to their Lord, nor did they invoke (Allâh) with submission to Him. ![](http://www.islamagainstextremism.com/images/qnend.gif) (Al-Mu'minun 23:76).
And al-Hasan al-Basree also said, as occurs in "Adaab Hasan al-Basri" of Ibn al-Jawzee, pp.119-120:
Know - may Allaah pardon you - that the tyranny of the kings is a retribution (niqmah) from among the retributions of Allaah the Most High. And Allaah's retributions are not to be faced with the sword, but they are to be faced with taqwaa and are repelled with supplication and repentance, remorse (inaabah) and abstention from sins. Verily, when the punishments of Allaah are met with the sword, are more severe. And Maalik bin Deenaar narrated to me that al-Hajjaaj (Ibn Yoosuf) used to say, "Know that every time you commit a sin Allaah will bring about a punishment from the direction of your ruler (sultaan)". And I have I have also been told that a person said to al-Hajjaaj, "Do you do such and such with the Ummah of Muhammad (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam)?" So he replied, "For the reason that I am the punishment of Allaah upon the people of Iraaq, when they innovated into their religion whatever they innovated, and when they abandoned the commands of the their Prophet - alaihis salaam - whatever they abandoned".
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